Geoffrey A. Landis
Bibliography of reprints and information in translation
This is a list of the reprints in translation of my stories that I am aware of. Due to the way that foreign reprint rights are sold, there may be other reprints that I am not aware of. If you can update or correct this list, I would appreciate it.
I can be reached at the e-mail address: geoffmail (at) geoffreylandis (dot) com.

- Chinese
- "A Walk in the Sun":
Science Fiction World [PRC], June 1995
reprinted several times, most recently in
Flying, September 2002.
- Ten stories and several essays reprinted
in Science Fiction World, special September 2002
Supplement Issue:
- "Outsider's Chance"
- "The River of Air, the Ocean of Sky"
- Time Prime"
- "The Last Sunset"
- "Approaching Perimelasma"
- "Hot Death on Wheels"
- "Winter Fire"
- "Interlude at the Circus"
- "Embracing the Alien"
- "Dark Lady"
- "Ripples in the Dirac Sea":
Science Fiction World
October 2002
More details later.
- Impact Parameter (and Other Quantum Fictions), Chongqing Publishing House, 2008. (Translation by Chen Yangzheng).
- Czech
- "Now You See It": Ikarie, 4/1992
- "A Walk in the Sun": Ikarie, 6/1994
- "Falling Onto Mars" (Pád na Mars): Ikarie, 11/2003
- "The Long Chase": The Mammoth Book of Extreme SF, Triton Publishing, to be published.
- "Lugu Marsist" ("Falling Onto Mars")" Pilet Utoopiasse, Skarabeus Press, 2007 (ISBN 978-9985-9346-6-1)
- "A Walk in the Sun": Portti, 11, No. 2,
- "Muuan tarina Marsista" ("Falling Onto Mars"): Portti 3-2003
search for a title via
- Mars Crossing (to be published)
- "Etats de vide" ("Vacuum States"):
Futurs à gogo
(éditions Presses Pocket, n. 5372, 1991).
- "Quelques rides sur la mer de Dirac" ("Ripples in the Dirac Sea"):
Futurs tous azimuts (
éditions Presses Pocket, n. 5375, 1992).
- "Marche au soleil" ("A Walk in the Sun"):
Futurs qui craignent
éditions Presses Pocket, n. 5377, 1993).
- "Singular Habits of Wasps":
Invasions 99 (Orion Editions, Bifrost/Etoiles Vives, 1999)
- "Le temps en primeur" (Time Prime), Traduction par Marc Vallée
News articles:
Bibliographical information
in French from bdfi.net
French anthology list from Ludovic Deschryver
buy from: Amazon.de
oder Amazon.at
auf Deutsch
- Rights to Mars Crossing have been purchased by Heyne. No information yet about when or if it will appear in German.
- "Ripples in the Dirac Sea" (Untiefen
im Meer der Zeit): Wollheim's World's Best SF 8
Bastei-Luebbe SF Special 1989.
"Ripples in the Dirac Sea" (Wellen im Diracschen
Meer): Isaac Asimov's SF 35. Folge, Heyne
- "Jamais Vu": Heyne [publication date unknown]
- "Dinosaurs" (Dinosaurier): Das Grosse Dinosaurier-Lesebuch,
Wilhelm Goldmann 1994
- "City of Ultimate Freedom" (Die Stadt der endgültigen Freiheit):
Gogol's Frau, Heyne 1994
- "Impact Parameter" (Aufprall-Parameter): Isaac Asimov's
SF 43, Heyne 1994
- "Beneath the Stars of Winter" (Unter den Sternen der Arktis):
Isaac Asimov's SF 45, Heyne 1995
- "Paradigms of Change" (Neue Männer braucht das Land):
Die Verwandlung, Heyne 1996
- "A Walk in the Sun" (Mit der Sonne um die Wette): Die
Letzten Bastionen, Heyne 1997
- "The Last Sunset" (Der letzte Sonnenuntergang): Isaac
Asimov's SF 49, Heyne 1997
- "Winter Fire" (Winterfeuer): Isaac Asimov's SF 51,
Heyne 1998
- "Approaching Perimelasma" (Annaeherung an das Perimelasma):
Das Proust-Syndrom Heyne 1999
- "Die einzigartigen Verhaltensmuster der Wespen" ("The Singular Habits of Wasps"), in Holmes und die Kannabale (Blitz; Auflage, Mai 2005) .
- "Dinosaurs," Sillogi Diigimaton
- I Nichtovia Savra - Dinosavri, Klidi / Livani, 1990
- "Ripples in the Dirac Sea," (Title in Greek:
Ritides sti Thalasa to Dirac) Psifides apo to Mellon - Anthologia
Epistimonikis Fantasias, Vol. 3, Apiron, 1991
- "Long-Term Project: Report to the Great
Council of Roaches," Apagorevmenos Planitis, Issue 1, June
- "What we Really Do at NASA," Apagorevmenos
Planitis, Issue 3, November - December 1996
- "A Walk in the Sun," (Title in Greek: Mia
Volta ston Ilio) Apagorevmenos Planitis, Issue 4, January
- February 1997
- "Realm of the Senses," (Title In Greek:
To Vasilio ton Esthiseon) Apagorevmenos Planitis, Issue 5,
April - May 1997
- "A Quiet Evening by Gaslight,"
Agoraste to Dia ke Alles 69 Poli Mikres Istories tou Fantastikou,
Agnosti Kantath (1999 )
- "The City of Ultimate Freedom,"
Thessaloniki, 2000
- "Realm of the Senses," Thessaloniki, 2000.
- "At Dorado", (to be published, Bli Panika ("Don't Panic"), web.)
Hungarian (Magyar):
- "Elemi erök" ("Elemental"):
137, VIII 1992, No. 2.
- "Séta a napsütésben" ("A Walk in the Sun"):
Galaktika, Issue 151, 1993, No. 4.
- "A hütlen" ("At Dorado"): Átjáró- Sciene fiction és fantasy magazin, Feb. 2003
- "Perimelazma-közelben" ("Approaching Perimelasma") Galaktika, Dec. 2004,
- "Zuhanás a Marsra" ("Falling Onto Mars"): Galaktika, Mar. 2005.
An Italian SF bibliography is on-line from Ernesto Vegetti
A web page about me
in Italian is on-line from
- "Increspature nel mare di Dirac" ("Ripples in the Dirac Sea)":
- Destinazione Spazio, a cura di Donald A. WOLLHEIM, 1990
- I tempi che corrono, (Time Machines: The Best Time Travel Stories Ever Written), Ott. 1998, Millemondi 17, Arnoldo Mondadori
Editore (Milano). tr. Antonella Pieretti
- "Nel mondo dei sensi" ("In the Realm of the Senses"): Isaac Asimov Science Fiction Magazine n. 7, novembre 1994 (Phoenix Enterprise Publishing
Company, Bologna)
- "Una passeggiata al sole" ("A Walk in the Sun"):
- Isaac
Asimov Science Fiction Magazine n. 9, gennaio 1995 (Phoenix Enterprise Publishing Company, Bologna)
- Il Premi Hugo 1991-1994,
1995, Editrice Nord (Milano).
- "Progetto a lungo termine: relazione al consiglio degli scarafaggi " (Long Term Project: Report to the Great Council of Cockroaches"): Isaac Asimov SF Magazine, 13.ns, gen. 1995
(Phoenix Enterprise Publishing Company, Bologna)
- "Le singolari abitudini delle vespe" ("The Singular Habits of Wasps"):
- Analog Fantascienza 5, est 1995 (Phoenix Enterprise Publishing Company, Bologna)
- ("Lo strano comportamento delle vespe") Quando gli alieni invasero, a cura di Piergiorgio Nicolazzini, 1997, Editrice Nord (Milano)
- "Il pesce e l'uccello " ("The Tale of the Fish Who Loved a Bird"): Naufragio tra le stelle, Feb 1996, Nova SF* a. XII (XXX) n. 27 (69), Perseo Libri (Bologna)
- "La guerra di Rorvik," ("Rorvik's War"): Nuove leggende del futuro, (New Legends), 1996, Grandi Opere Nord 28, Editrice Nord (Milano)
- "Ecopoiesi" ("Ecopoiesis"): Strani universi, a cura di Piergiorgio Nicolazzini, 1998, Editrice Nord (Milano)
- "Ricambio" ("Turnover") Il gioco infinito (Year's Best SF 3), a cura di David G. Hartwell, 1999, Millemondi 20, Arnoldo Mondadori Editore (Milano)
- "Una Storia su Dorado" ("At Dorado"): Lo Scudo di Marte (Year's Best SF 2003), a cura di David G. Hartwell, 2006, Millemondi Estate n. 42
- On the web: "Christmas (quando tutti avremo la macchina del
tempo)" ("Christmas (after we all have time machines)"
- "Abbracciando l'alieno" ("Embracing
the Alien") illustrated by Fabio Germana,
in IntercoM 6
also see Delos review of Mars Crossing
日本 Japanese
Japanese bibliography
- ÅwâŒêØècífÅx Mars Crossing, published by Hayakawa, 2006 (nominated for Seiun award 2007)
- Impact Parameter and Other Quantum Fictions, to published, Tokyo Sogensha.
- ÅuÉfÉBÉâÉbÉNäCÇÃÇ≥ǥǻǛÅv ("Ripples in the Dirac Sea"): Hayakawa SF magazine, Mar. 1990 (Seiun nomination, best story in translation)
- Åuì˙ÇÃâ∫Çï‡Ç¢ÇƒÅv ("A Walk in the Sun"): Hayakawa SF magazine. Jan. 1993
- ÅuéÄǙǔÇΩÇËÇÇÌǩǬNjÇ≈Åv ("A Long Time Dying"): Hayakawa SF magazine, 1996 (Seiun nomination, best story in translation)
- ÅuÉTÉìÉ_ÉìÉTÅ[óéâ∫Åv ("Sundancer Falling"): Hayakawa SF magazine, Mar. 1997
- ÅuÉhÉâÉhÅEÉèÅ[ÉÄÉzÅ[ÉãÇ≈Åv ("At Dorado"): Hayakawa SF magazine, November 2003
- ÅuêlÇÕãÛÇ©ÇÁç~ǡǃǴÇΩÅv ("Falling Onto Mars"): Hayakawa SF magazine, Mar. 2004 (no. 575).
- "Into the Blue Abyss," Hayakawa SF magazine, 2006.
- Interview: Hayakawa SF magazine, 2006
Buy Mars Crossing in Japanese
- "Falling onto Mars": to be published (Klingon Language Institute)
- "Ripples in the Dirac Sea": Kaukas,
- "Paradigms of Change": Kaukas, (*?)
- "Ripples in the Dirac Sea" ("Fale na morzu Diraca"): Don Wollheim proponuje 1989 (1989 World's Best SF anthology)
- "Rorvik's War" ("Wojna Rorvika"): Nowa Fantastyka #8, 1996
- "Rorvik's War", New Legends reprint, (Prószynski i S-ka TBP)
"Ecopoiesis": Talisman, (TBP)
- "Dinosaurs": Dinosaurs! anthology, Editora Aleph, Sao Paulo
- "Estados do vácuo" ("Vacuum States"): Isaac Asimov Magazine Ficcao Científica, 2
- "Ripples in the Dirac Sea": Isaac Asimov Magazine Ficcao, 5, 1991
- "Projects": Isaac Asimov Magazine Ficcao, 9
- "In Apropierea Perimelasmei" ("Approaching Perimelasma"): Helion, 4, Aug-Sept. 2006.
- "Melancolia Universului Infinit" ("The Melancholy of Infinite Space"): Helion, 5, November 2006.
- "O Plimbare Prin Soare" ("A Walk in the Sun," Sci-Fi Magazin, SC Mediapress SRL No 2, Noiembrie 2007.
Bibliography in Russian from Bibliographia. See also the Russian SF site
This list may be incomplete. If anybody reading this is aware of any other Russian publications, please
contact me.
- "Farthest Horizons", in Esli, 1998, No. 1, 173-212
- "Approaching Perimelasma" ("DVER' V LYuBUYu STORONU"): in Esli, 1999, 1-2, 137-162.
View the cover
- "The Long Chase," in Esli, August 2002, No. 8, 179-190.
(View the cover).
- "Hot Death on Wheels," in Mixail Zislis (formerly available in Russian on the web, but is no longer up).
- "At Dorado," in Esli, No. 12, 2005, 89-100.
- "The Eyes of America," in The Year's Best Science Fiction: Twenty-First Annual Collection 2005. (View the cover)
- "A Walk in the Sun," in Fantastika Magazine, 2008
- "The Man in the Mirror" in Esli, June 1008
Reviews in Russian
- "Rorvikova vojna" ("Rorvik's War"), Fantázia, July 1998
- A Traves de Marte (Mars Crossing) La Factoría de Ideas 2004
- "Dinosaurs":
Dinosaurios anthology, Ediciones Grijalbo
SA, 1992; Traductora: Carme Camps
- "Caminata al sol" ("A Walk in the Sun"): en el volumen
Cyber Fantasy 3 Editorial Alberto Santos
- "Larga Persicución"("The Long Chase"): Isaac Asimov Ciencia Ficcione, Volume 4, 2002 (Megamultimedia)
- "En el dorado" ("At Dorado"): Asimov Ciencia Ficción 4, (Ediciones Robel) 2004
- "Caer en Marte" ("Falling Onto Mars"): Solaris 21, La Factoría de Ideas (2004)
- "Perfeccionable" ("Perfectable"): Asimov Ciencia Ficción 19, Junio de 2005
- "Los Ojos de América" ("The Eyes of America"): Historia Alternativa vol. II, Grupo editorial AJEC, Junio de 2009.
- nonfiction: "Inteligencia artificial" (artículo). Publicadoen el volumen Axxón 44 colección Revista electrónica, número 44 (1993).
- "Milenios de luz y oscuridad" (Predictions for the Millenium, SF Age Science Forum), Velero 25, diciembre 2006
en Español
- "A Walk in the Sun," Nova Science Fiction (TBP)
- "At Dorado," Nova Science Fiction (TBP)
- Mars Crossing review in Swedish
(*?) indicates that I have signed a reprint agreement
for this story, but I do not know whether the story was published.
(TBP) stands for To Be Published. This indicates that to my knowledge this reprint has not yet appeared
Page by
Geoffrey A. Landis, copyright 2000, 2008